Question N° : 34185
The Congressman Mr. François-Michel Lambert asks the French Government to let know the Parliament about the follow-up it intends to give concerning the complaint recorded by MS Intelligence against Philip Morris International and to explain what it plans to implement to put an end to the methods of these multinationals.
Methods and impunity of the tobacco industry.
Question to the Ministry of Public Accounts
Mr. François-Michel Lambert alerts the Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Economy, Finance and Recovery, in charge of public accounts, on a complaint filed in the New York County court against Philip Morris International and its possible actions that go against national and international law.
Indeed, in addition to the existence of a trade dispute, a former partner of Philip Morris International accuses the firm of having circumvented the embargo decided against Libya and fueling the parallel tobacco trade in France, via Algeria.
These accusations, particularly serious if they are verified and confirmed, must push the State to finally pay real attention to the tobacco industry, which acts to the detriment of public health, law and the economy of France in all impunity.
Algerian Marlboro represent around 4.5% of the French cigarette market, an annual loss of 400 to 500 million euros in taxes for the state.
More generally, the tax savings achieved each year in France by multinational tobacco companies thanks to part of the parallel market are between 1.5 and 3 billion euros, without even taking into account their tax optimization policies, often disrespectful of the law in force.
This complaint, whatever the follow-up given, must lead to a collective awareness, and in particular at the highest political level.
It is time to put an end to the omnipotence of multinational tobacco companies and to act for the benefit of all parties harmed by their business practices.
He thus asks him to kindly inform him of the follow-up he intends to give to the said complaint against Philip Morris International and to explain to him what he plans to implement to put an end to the methods of these multinationals.
- Source : https://questions.assemblee-nationale.fr/q15/15-34185QE.htm